Monday, February 11, 2008


These bars are so great. I love dark chocolate, especially these!

these have 7 vitamins and minerals! Including 25% of your daily value of calcium! Each bar is only 100 calories and has 2g fiber.

They last a really long time too. I melt them in my mouth! Each bar has 4 parts where you can break it, so you can control your portion sizes easier and save the rest for later.

If you are a chocoholic like me you will love these things!


Anonymous said...

oh my god I need to get these! I love dark chocolate too and I try not to eat it much since it's so high in calories. But this has lots of calcium and portion control. I'll look for them tonight whenever I go to the grocery store!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't find these at Safeway, but I'm going to try Target. :)